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From Snow to Water
Ready to meet a compassion and business hero? Xue, an immigrant from Inner Mongolia, made her way to MIT, Wall Street and as a successful entrepreneur until a life altering experience got her to question everything in her life. She co-founded 'The Space Between', an investment fund redirecting hundreds of millions not just to grow wealth, but to ignite change and foster compassion. Its founding pr... posted on May 11 2024, 2,592 reads


Jane Goodall on What It Takes to Save the Earth
Jane Goodall’s address at Davos 2024 emphasized that climate change is not slowing down: yet there is reason to hope. Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program is an example of what can be done to protect the future if all of us recognize our interconnectedness with nature and each other. The energy of youth, nature’s resilience, the human intellect, and human’s indomitable spir... posted on May 10 2024, 3,045 reads


Mountain Vapors
While hiking among the seemingly solid majestic peaks of the Canadian Rockies, photo essayist Keith Kozloff found himself more attracted to clouds than the steep, uphill trails of the landscape. Upon returning home, his images inspired him to reflect on impermanence and interdependence – the “cloudiness of everything.” He wondered if he could “perhaps treat challenges more ... posted on May 09 2024, 258 reads


Sri Lanka's Untold Story of Resilience
When the legendary Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne -- often called "the Gandhi of Sri Lanka" -- passed away last month at the age of 92, his enduring legacy of selfless love expanded in hearts across the globe. For over sixty years, Dr. Ariyaratne's humility and servant leadership stewarded thousands of self-sufficient villages in Sri Lanka. Working quietly and often behind the scenes, the unique non-governm... posted on May 07 2024, 1,715 reads


Sanctuaries of Silence
What might happen if we listened deeply? If we really listened? In the tranquil chorus of nature, Gordon Hempton, an acoustic ecologist, experiences silence as 'the poetics of space' and 'the presence of time undisturbed.' He provides insight into how we perceive our locations based on their unique sounds and the value of true silence in our modern noisy world. Hempton defines silence not as the a... posted on May 06 2024, 2,030 reads


Mary Ann Brussat: Everyday Sacred Renaissance
"You really can feel tremendous empathy for the people, but at the same time, compassion is something that's a little different. Compassion is where you move towards someone to see if there is a way that you can be of help. So not only do you recognize your feelings for someone, but you try to figure out, is there something here that I can do?" In this Awakin Call, Mary Ann Brussat touches upon he... posted on May 05 2024, 2,715 reads


Why Multigenerational Households are Making a Comeback
Are you aware that multigenerational living is regaining popularity? As the second decade of the 21st century concludes, we're witnessing a resurgence in multigenerational households -- a trend that has taken many researchers by surprise. The socioeconomic factors from the mid-20th century that altered the nuclear family structure now seem to revert to a pre-1950s model. The disheartening climb in... posted on May 04 2024, 1,187 reads


How Patience Can Help You Find Your Purpose
A two-year study on the search for life's purpose revealed some interesting observations around the search itself. It can "be a source of stress and anxiety, especially when it feels like everyone else has it all figured out. (Rest assured, others are likely still working it out, too!)" Their study suggests that "practicing patience may be a critical and often overlooked element of a productive an... posted on May 01 2024, 3,508 reads


Conversation with Peacemaking Mystic, Orland Bishop
“What are the questions being asked of me?” and “Why would I do something my heart is telling me not to do?” Orland Bishop addresses these two questions in his interview with Berry Liberman, spanning from his emigration to the United States to his social healing work. Bishop discusses how what is happening in the world today due to the collective unconscious reflects the un... posted on Apr 30 2024, 1,989 reads


The Scientists Learning to Speak Whale
Two research initiatives -- Cetacean Translation Initiative (CETI) and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) -- are exploring not only what it means to collect data on how  whales communicate, but to listen and understand  what they are saying. Listening to whales ends up reflecting much more about humans, than anticipated: it highlights our relationship not only to another... posted on Apr 29 2024, 984 reads


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Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
Henry David Thoreau

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